Adrienne Lyle Scheduled to Compete Lars van de Hoenderheide, 1 of 2 New Grand Prix Horses for Olympic Silver Medalist
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WELLINGTON, Florida, Mar. 4, 2024–Adrienne Lyle is scheduled to compete Lars van de Hoenderheide for the first time this coming weekend, one of two new horses the Olympic silver medal rider is developing for USA teams.
Adrienne, based in Wellington, has entered the 13-year-old Belgian Warmblood gelding in three national Grand Prix level classes at the Global Dressage Festival.
Lars van de Hoenderheide and Helix, a 12-year-old KWPN gelding, were bought Heidi Humphries of Fort Lauderdale, Florida for her Zen Elite at the beginning of the year . She also bought the 14-year-old Westfalen Bohemian for Endel Ots who has successfully competed the gelding twice at national level.
Lars was competed by Great Britain’s Charlotte “Lottie” Fry, the 2022 world champion,.