Adrienne Lyle & Salvino, Olivia LaGoy-Weltz & Lonoir Ready to Compete in Wellington CDI4* Seeking Places on USA Olympic Team

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Adrienne Lyle with Salvino in the veterinary inspection at the Global Dressage Festival CDI4*, the last event of the winter-long circuit. © 2021 Ken Braddick/

WELLINGTON, Florida, Mar. 31, 2021–The partnership of Adrienne Lyle and Salvino readied Wednesday for their first competition in 13 months to seek a place on the United States team for the Olympics in four months while Olivia LaGoy-Weltz re-focused Lonoir to Tokyo after their success in qualifying for the World Cup was thwarted when the championships were canceled.

Both Adrienne of Wellington and the 14-year-old Hanoverian stallion, and Olivia of Haymarket, Virginia on the 17-year-old Danish Warmblood gelding are scheduled to compete in the Global Dressage Festival CDI4*. Each rider will perform their first Grand Prix Specials that are required to be considered for selection for the U.S. team of three combinations and a traveling reserve.

Adrienne rode at the 2012 Olympics on Wizard and on Salvino was on the U.S. silver medal team at the 2018 World Equestrian Games. She competed CDI in 2020 before the Olympics were postponed for a year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Lonoir being led by Olivia LaGoy-Weltz in the veterionary inspection at the Global Dressage Festival CDI4*. © 2021 Ken Braddick/

Olivia and Lonoir have been on five Nations Cup teams on both sides of the Atlantic and was the highest ranked combination in North America to earn an invitation to the World Cup Final in Gothenburg, Sweden that was to be held this weekend but was canceled because of the equine herpes virus. She focused on the Freestyle for the World Cup.

Selection criteria provides for some flexibility based on overall performances.

Current rankings place Steffen Peters of San Diego, California on Suppenkasper at the top with Sabine Schut-Kery of Thousand Oaks, California on Sanceo second, Nick Wagman also of San Diego on Don John third and Adrienne on Harmony’ Duval fourth.