US Olympian, World Games Rider Adrienne Lyle Gets $25,000 Grant to Train & Compete Harmony’s Duval in Europe
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Dec. 10, 2018
Adrienne Lyle and Harmony’s Duval have been awarded the $25,000 Anne L. Barlow Ramsay Grant to showcase American-bred horses ridden by United States citizens to train and compete in Europe.
Harmony’s Duval, a 10-year-old KWPN gelding (Rousseau x Riverman) was bred by Leslie Malone of Harmony Sporthorses in Kiowa, Colorado, and is owned by Duval Partners LLC, a group of supporters of Adrienne in the Northwest.
Adrienne and Duval began national Grand Prix this year after competing in CDI small tour in 2017, placing third in the U.S. Festival of Champions Intermediate 1 division.
“I am incredibly honored to receive the Anne Ramsay Grant from The Dressage Foundation,” said Adrienne, 33 years old who is based in Wellington, Florida.
“This wonderful grant will make it possible for me to showcase Harmony’s Duval, an American bred Grand Prix horse, in Europe next summer. It is imperative that our horses get exposure in Europe if they want to be top contenders, but the costs of traveling and competing over there would be prohibitive without the support and generosity of people like Anne Ramsay, who have a desire to help American dressage grow and succeed on the world stage.”
Adrienne is a leading American high performance competitor, on the U.S. Equestrian Federation Elite squad with Salvino and pre-Elite with Horizon.
Coached for the past decade by Debbie McDonald, the newly appointed U.S. team coach, Adrienne rode Wizard at the 2012 London Olympics and the 2014 World Equestrian Games in Normandy.
She and Salvino, 11-year-old Hanoverian stallion, were on the U.S. silver medal team at last September’s World Equestrian Games in Tryon and has competed on Nations Cups teams on both sides of the Atlantic. On Horizon, an 11-year-old Oldenburg mare, she won the CDI3* Grand Prix Special at Rotterdan last summer.
Salvino and Horizon, both owned by Elizabeth “Betsy” Juliano, have been scheduled for European competitions for 2019 following the winter-long Adequan Global Dressage Festival in Wellington.
Through a Charitable Remainder Unitrust that she established with The Dressage Foundation in 1999, Dr. Ramsey created a fund to provide $25,000 grants. From 2008-2014, five horse and rider teams each received $25,000 to travel to Europe for training and competition.
In 2009, Dr. Ramsay established a second Unitrust to extend the impact of the grants for many years into the future. Those funds are designated to come to TDF in 2019, but Dr. Ramsay made a gift to ensure that the grant could be awarded in 2018, as well.