Canada’s All Female Dressage Team Named for Tryon World Equestrian Games
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OTTAWA, Ontario, Sept. 1, 2018–Canada’s dressage team for the World Equestrian Games in Tryon in 10 days was announced Saturday, that with Switzerland is one of two all-female squads for the championships.
The team:
* Brittany Fraser, 29, and All In, 13-year-old KWPN gelding, owned by Brittany and Marc-Andre Beaulieu;
* Jill Irving, 55, and Degas, 16-year-old Hanoverian gelding, owned by Jill Irving/Windhaven Farm;
* Megan Lane, 26, and Caravella, 17-year-old KWPN mare, owned by Megan Lane, Cathy Lane & Kelsey Lane, and, reserve:
Zodiac MW, 14-year-old KWPN gelding, owned by Deer Ridge Equestrian, and
* Belinda Trussell, 46, and Tattoo, 15-year-old Westfalen gelding, owned by Belinda and Mark Trussell.
* Diane Creech, 55, and Diana C, 11-year-old Hanoverian mare, owned by Diane and Louise Leatherdale.
Brittany Fraser and All In, the Canadian combination ranked hghest on the world standings at No. 40, were on the 2015 Pan American Games silver medal team. The duo competed at Grand Prix in Europe in 2017.

Jill Irving has not previously ridden on a chanpioship team for Canada. She took both Degas and Arthur to Europe in 2017 to compete at four major shows, in addition to extensive competitions on several other horses, including Pop Art that was competed by her coach, Ashley Holzer, at the 2008 Olympics and 2010 WEG in Kentucky.
Megan Lane and Caravella competed for Canada at the 2014 WEG in Normandy and the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro as well as on the 2015 Pan Am Games silver medal team. She and Zodiac MW began their Big Tour career on last winter’s Florida circuit and have since logged six victories in Canada and the United States.

Belinda Trussell is one of Canada’s most accomplished international dressage riders, having competed at the 2004 and 2016 Olympics, 2002, 2010 and 2014 World Games as well as on the 2015 Pan Am Games silver medal team and at the open European Championships in Hickstead, England in 2003. She competed Tattoo at small tour in both North America and Europe from 2012 to 2016 then moved up to Grand Prix in 2017.

Diane Creech has competed extensively on both sides of the Atlantic, including on the Canadian silver medal team at the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro. She began competing Diana C at CDI small tour in 2015 and moved up to Grand Prix last year. The horse is owned by Diane and Louise Leatherdale of Long Lake, Minnesota.