Caroline Garren on Bell Angelo Wins North American Junior Rider Individual Championship Gold

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Caroline Garren, North American Junior Championship Individual gold medalist. © 2018

NORTH SALEM. New York, Aug. 4, 2018–Caroline Garren on Bell Angelo won the North American Junior Rider individual championship Saturday for her second gold medal after winning the team competition two days ago.

The 18-year-old Caroline in her second continental championship having competed Bell Angelo in 2017 scored 70.147 per cent, a CDI career high, for the win.

Caroline of Atlanta and the 10-year-old Hanoverian gelding, the high score on 68.600 for her gold medal team, have been competing through the levels for the past three years. With Bell Angelo, the first horse she has owned, she moved to international competition in April at the Tryon, North Carolina CDI.

Bianca Schmidt of Edina, Minnesota on Lou Heart was second on 70.029 per cent with Canada’s Chase Robertson on Winsome third on 70.029 per cent.

Caroline grew up riding mostly lesson horses–“Quarter Horses, Percherons–you name it.”

“This is the first horse where my parents sat me down and said they wanted to buy me a nice horse to compete,” she said.

“I felt this great connection. He was a young horse, and I have never ridden a young horse before, so that was a big learning curve to have a seven-year-old instead of a [older horse].

“At first it was tough, but we got him into the right program with my trainer Karen Lipp. He can be quite quirky sometimes, but we really put the time and energy into finding the right equipment, feed, and vets, and everything that works for him. It has been a really great experience with this horse. I love him; he’s my baby.”


Junior Individual Championship

Placed competitors(E)(H)(C)(M)(B)Total
1.21Bell AngeloGarren, CarolineUSA233.5240.0232.5243.5243.01192.5 pointsshow score sheet
bay 10y.G /Belissimo/Don Frederico/HANN/105KW07/ Caroline, Charles, & Michele GarRegion 368.676 %70.588 %68.382 %71.618 %71.471 %70.147 %
2.23Lou HeartSchmidt, BiancaUSA229.0237.5245.5238.5240.01190.5 pointsshow score sheet
black 14y.G /Londonderry/Dream of Glory/HANN/102SN50/ Eliana SchmidtRegion 467.353 %69.853 %72.205 %70.147 %70.588 %70.029 %
3.9WinsomeRobertson, ChaseCAN242.8235.3235.8240.3236.31190.5 pointsshow score sheet
black 15y.G /Obelisk/Wolfgang/KWPN/USA42523/ Teresa van LambalgenCAN71.411 %69.205 %69.353 %70.676 %69.500 %70.029 %
4.10TikoNemeth, AllisonUSA225.0229.5239.5237.0235.01166.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 7y.M /Tailormade Temptation/Akinos/DWB/105XZ80/ Karen NemethRegion 166.176 %67.500 %70.441 %69.706 %69.117 %68.588 %
5.26FiderprinzDupell, JoriUSA233.5226.5219.5235.0231.01145.5 pointsshow score sheet
bay 9y.G /Fidertanz 2/Prinz Oldenburg/OLDBG/105YR34/ Jori DupellRegion 668.676 %66.617 %64.558 %69.117 %67.941 %67.382 %
6.19MariskaCain, JulietteUSA227.5227.0230.5231.0228.01144.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 8y.M /Quinn/Enter the Dragon/FRIESE/105QB80/ Juliette CainRegion 366.912 %66.765 %67.794 %67.941 %67.059 %67.294 %
7.2WellknownMancusi, BrookeCAN235.0217.0233.0228.0229.01142.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 10y.G /Wynton/Havidoff/WESTF/105AE31/ Brooke MancusiCananda Central69.117 %63.823 %68.529 %67.058 %67.352 %67.176 %
7.17FHF RachareeMccool, RaeganUSA230.0226.0228.0230.5227.51142.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 16y.M /Routinier/Vance/OLDBG/104NJ86/ Jennifer KaiserRegion 267.647 %66.470 %67.058 %67.794 %66.911 %67.176 %
9.3WrazzmatazzSwackhammer, AnnaCAN225.0226.0223.5236.0225.51136.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 15y.G /Jazz/Darwin/KWPN/105DW49/ Melissa SinclairCananda Central66.177 %66.471 %65.736 %69.412 %66.324 %66.824 %
10.1Qaro GSBuchanan, JadeCAN220.5225.0224.0229.0224.51123.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 9y.G /Quarterback/Florestan I/OLDBG/106CV50/ Cassandra JessopCananda Central64.853 %66.177 %65.883 %67.353 %66.030 %66.059 %
11.25FerraFritz, SammieUSA223.0219.5228.0222.5220.51113.5 pointsshow score sheet
chest 8y.M /Ferro/KWPN/106CJ17/ Sammie FritzRegion 465.588 %64.559 %67.059 %65.441 %64.853 %65.500 %
12.27CubyTempleton, KennediUSA219.5223.0221.5225.5218.01107.5 pointsshow score sheet
bay 11y.G /00 Seven/Polansky/KWPN/106AM43/ Kennedi TempletonRegion 764.559 %65.588 %65.147 %66.323 %64.118 %65.147 %
13.20FascinataDoughty, MelanieUSA220.0226.0214.5226.0220.01106.5 pointsshow score sheet
chest 10y.M /Fidertanz/De Niro/RHLD/104NY63/ Melanie DoughtyRegion 364.706 %66.470 %63.088 %66.470 %64.706 %65.088 %
14.29Ich Will SpassLong, MadeleineUSA227.0225.0209.0220.5221.01102.5 pointsshow score sheet
chest 10y.G /Fidertanz/Rohdiamant/103ZE47/ Mado LongRegion 866.765 %66.177 %61.471 %64.853 %65.000 %64.853 %
15.8WeltwunderGunyon, MollyCAN218.0227.5213.5225.0217.51101.5 pointsshow score sheet
chest 17y.M /Waikiki/Wittinger/HANN/105EL14/ Molly GunyonCananda East64.118 %66.912 %62.794 %66.176 %63.970 %64.794 %
16.15Raven BlackDawson, AlexanderUSA223.5215.0216.0215.0223.01092.5 pointsshow score sheet
black 9y.G /Rubitano/Pavarotti V.D. Helle/WESTF/105VY70/ Alexander DawsonRegion 265.736 %63.236 %63.530 %63.236 %65.589 %64.265 %
17.24Don AkzentusMatern, Marie EliseUSA224.5214.0212.5220.0219.01090.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 16y.G /Donnerhall/Akzent II/OLDBG/103KT14/ William SolyntjesRegion 466.030 %62.942 %62.500 %64.706 %64.412 %64.118 %
18.5WinniepuuhBoesener, ArielCAN212.0203.0228.0222.5216.51082.0 pointsshow score sheet
chest 15y.G /Weltmeyer/Ludendorff/HANN/103NB43/ Ariel BoesenerCananda East62.353 %59.706 %67.059 %65.441 %63.676 %63.647 %
19.18Dali de la Ferme RoseBraden, IsabelleUSA221.5219.0212.5216.5211.51081.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 9y.G /Dancier/Silvio I/HANN/105YC61/ Chris Braden, Erin BradenRegion 365.147 %64.412 %62.500 %63.676 %62.206 %63.588 %
19.31AspenWindsor, ElizaUSA219.0215.5213.5212.5220.51081.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 14y.G /Urque/Dayar/LUSIT/106CV87/ Kelly HendrickRegion 864.412 %63.382 %62.794 %62.500 %64.853 %63.588 %
21.6World LadyLemaire, Lily-RoseCAN209.5215.5211.5222.5218.01077.0 pointsshow score sheet
chest 18y.M /HANN/105YK66/ Lynda TétreaultCananda East61.618 %63.382 %62.206 %65.441 %64.118 %63.353 %
22.14Ultima O.A.Horrigan, CatherineUSA220.5220.5206.0222.0207.01076.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 17y.M /Indoctro/Wellington/KWPN/105QX07/ Catherine HorriganRegion 164.853 %64.853 %60.588 %65.294 %60.882 %63.294 %
23.28W SpotlightChavonelle, SophiaUSA211.5224.5208.0213.0217.01074.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 10y.G /Sir Donnerhall/Florestan I/WESTF/105ON74/ Sophia ChavonelleRegion 862.205 %66.029 %61.176 %62.647 %63.823 %63.176 %
24.4LadybugWilliams-Brown, KiaraCAN212.3217.8214.3211.8214.81071.0 pointsshow score sheet
chest 16y.M /HANN/106BS69/ Margaret, Robert, Simone WilliamsCananda Central62.441 %64.059 %63.029 %62.294 %63.176 %63.000 %
25.11DucanSmith, Lannah LendeUSA209.5216.5213.5209.0221.51070.0 pointsshow score sheet
black 20y.S /Don Jonne/Rubinstein 46/OLDBG/105MS11/ Sharon L JonesRegion 161.617 %63.676 %62.794 %61.470 %65.147 %62.941 %
26.30Adel KTenney, LeahUSA208.4215.9211.4211.9214.91062.5 pointsshow score sheet
chest 13y.G /Don Schufro/Ferro/KWPN/105PG13/ Leah TenneyRegion 861.294 %63.500 %62.176 %62.324 %63.206 %62.500 %
27.7DalandaBouchard, GabrielleCAN209.5211.5209.0210.0219.51059.5 pointsshow score sheet
chest 10y.M /Wynton/Goodtimes/KWPN/104SB91/ Gabrielle BouchardCananda East61.618 %62.206 %61.471 %61.765 %64.559 %62.324 %
28.16CooganHohmann, MckaylaUSA215.0217.5202.5205.5209.51050.0 pointsshow score sheet
bay 15y.G /Cambridge/Ebony/OLDBG/103YE44/ Maureen SullivanRegion 263.236 %63.971 %59.559 %60.441 %61.618 %61.765 %
29.32AarakonMartin, ElisabethUSA194.5202.5214.0210.5215.01036.5 pointsshow score sheet
bay 12y.G /Aljano/Lucky Lionell/HOLST/104MC10/ Dean MartinRegion 957.206 %59.559 %62.942 %61.912 %63.236 %60.971 %


Data of competition:
 Judges:(E) Natacha Wadell (BRA)
(H) Cesar Lopardo Grana (ARG)
(C) Brenda Minor (CAN)
(M) Irina Maknami (RUS)
(B) Sandy Hotz (USA)