Lusitano Stallions Training as WEG Prospects by Lisa Wilcox Withdrawn from Competition
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WELLINGTON, Florida, Jan. 6–Two Lusitano stallions that were being trained toward seeking a place on the U.S. team for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Kentucky have been withdrawn from competing by Lisa Wilcox, Olympic and WEG medalist.
The Lusitano stallions, Queba HM and Quemacho HI, both aged 14,were owned by Ingred Lin, who died Dec. 17 after a long battle with breast cancer at the age of 53.
Adam Pollak, a son of Ingred who is executor of the estate, said that a “difference of opinion” over the horses led to their removal.
The horses had been stabled at the White Fences Equestrian Center, owned by Ingred Lin and were trailered to neighboring Wellington each day to be ridden by Lisa. Ingred had competed the horses at national shows and U.S. regional championships, but with a recurrence of her cancer she turned both horses over to Lisa.
“The horses,” Adam said, “are still being worked and trained.
“The eventual goal is to sell them.”
Lisa, 43, said she was told the horses will remain in work at the the equestrian center and eventually be sold.
Lisa returned to the United States in 2006 after 12 years in Europe. Riding the stallion Relevant, she won team silver at the 2002 WEG in Jerez, Spain, individual silver at the open European Championships in 2003 and team bronze at the 2004 Athens Olympics. She had been ranked as high as No. 2 on the FEI Rider Rankings.
She will compete Der Euro, a 1998 Oldenburg gelding (Don Schufro/Waldroeschen/Wanderer), winner of the 2002 Bundeschampionate, at Grand Prix for the first time this weekend. The horse, as well as his full brother, Der Dollar, a 2003 Oldenburg stallion, is in training with Lisa for Joan and Kenny Sims’ Highlife Farms, a stallion station in Orlando, Florida.