New Diamante Farm Fulfillment of Dream for Owner Terri Kane, Training Center for Daughter Devon & Newly Wed Husband Kevin Kohmann
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Jan. 7, 2024
Story and photos by KENNETH J. BRADDICK
The new Diamante Farmin Wellington, Florida is fulfillment of a dream for owner Terri Kane, built as her new home and the training center and future home for her daughter, Devon, and her newly wed husband, Kevin Kohmann.
At 20 acres, the new Diamante Farm is twice the size of the facility Terri and Devon moved to in 2006 from their home in San Antonio, Texas to pursue the then 20-year-old Devon’s dressage career. A year later, Devon was No. 1 on Douwe at the North American Young Rider Championships. Over the years, Devon has been coached by Olympians Michelle Gibson of the United States, Hubertus Schmidt of Germany and Denmark’s Lars Petersen who now rides under the Stars ‘n’ Stripes.
The design of the conversion of what had been a polo barn into the new Diamante Farm, Terri says, was the result of her, Devon and Kevin collaborating over 18 months on what they wanted and what would work best.
A major construction undertaking was raising the roof of the full size covered arena.
That also led to a two-story viewing/lounge area, unusual if not unique in Wellington that hosts the globe’s largest dressage, jumper and hunter circuits in the sub tropical climate and may have the highest concentrations of covered riding arenas in the world.
To say that the second floor of the viewing area is spectacular is an understatement.
A bar with a giant diamond (Diamente) logo and extremely comfortable seating is the centerpiece.
The view is of the covered arena with graceful arched windows and Big Ass fans, as throughout the facility, to deal with heat and humidity.
Horse wash racks are another unusual feature of the new Diamante.
They’re open so the horses can see and be near each other.
Terri Kane, as to be expected growing up in Texas, rode Western for pleasure. Now, she is taking lessons in dressage.
In the 18 months of construction, trees and other plants were protected.
Douwe, Devon’s Young Rider horse now 34 years old, and the 21-year-old Destiny that she competed on both sides of the Atlantic enjoying retirement at the new Diamante.