Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour on Vamos Amigos Leads Denmark to First Ever Victory in Aachen Nations Cup

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Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour on Vamos Amigos winning the CDIO5* Grand Prix Special to lead Denmark to their first ever Nations Cup victory at the World Equestrian Festival. © 2022 Ken Braddick/


AACHEN, Germany, July 2, 2022–Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour on Vamos Amigos led Denmark to their first every victory in the 45-year history of the Nations Cup at the World Equestrian Festival Saturday, the globe’s most prestigious and competitive horse show. Germany which has dominated the event earned silver although DSP Quantaz ridden by Isabell Werth was eliminated with blood in the mouth.

Denmark took gold with 459.421%, Germany on silver with 454.903% and Sweden bronze on 440.499%. Other places: 4. Netherlands 437.161%; 5. Spain 432.177%; 6. Great Britain 430.157%; 7. USA 427.048%; 8. Australia 419.947%.

Denmark with Cathrine and Vamos Amigos or Bohemian, Daniel Bachmann Andersen on Marshall-Bell, Carina Cassøe Krüth on Heiline’s Danciera, Nanna Skodborg Merrald on Orthilia and Andreas Helgstrand on Jovian to choose from are hot favorites heading to the world championships staged once very four years that will be on home grounds in Herning in a month.

Frederic Wandres looking to be selected on Duke of Britain for the first championship team was the top placed German combination on 78.468%, a personal best score for the 15-year-old British-bred Hanoverian gelding.

Frederic Wandres and Duke of Britain placed second in the CDIO5* Grand Prix Special and the highest scorinh pair for Germany. © 2022 Ken Braddick/


Isabell Werth looking at the mouth of DSP Quantaz after the horse was eliminated. The incident is not expected to impact selection for Germany’s world championships team. © 2022 Ken Braddick/

The United States also also incurred an elimination when Quartett ridden by Katie Duerrhammer nicked a leg when leaving the arena and was eliminated in the equipment inspection.


CDIO5* Nations Cup Grand Prix Special

Judges:Elke EbertAnne GribbonsSusanne BaarupChristof UmbachMariette Sanders – Van Gansewinkel
1.80.064DENCathrine DufourVamos Amigos79.14981.27780.21379.57480.10677.395 (2)
2.78.468GERFrederic WandresDuke of Britain FRH78.19178.93677.44779.68178.08577.932 (1)
3.76.404FINHenri RuosteKontestro DB76.38377.34074.04376.80977.44774.076 (10)
4.76.128SWEPatrik KittelTouchdown76.70275.42674.57475.95777.97975.466 (4)
5.75.553GERBenjamin WerndlFamoso OLD76.17072.02175.85178.40475.31975.589 (3)
6.75.234DENDaniel Bachmann AndersenMarshall-Bell75.10673.51175.85175.00076.70275.293 (6)
7.74.426SWETherese NilshagenDante Weltino OLD74.46873.61773.51176.06474.46875.456 (5)
8.74.383DENCarina Cassøe KrüthHeiline’s Danciera75.74573.08573.19172.02177.87275.252 (7)
9.74.000NEDMarieke van der PuttenTørveslettens Titanium RS273.61773.51175.10673.19174.57472.787 (13)
10.73.681GBRCharlotte FryEverdale71.80974.57475.21372.66074.14974.780 (8)
11.72.936AUSSimone PearceFiderdance72.23472.55373.19172.97973.72374.230 (9)
12.72.830ESPJose Daniel Martin DockxMalagueño LXXXIII72.34073.51171.17074.14972.97971.063 (20)
13.72.404USASteffen PetersSuppenkasper72.23473.19172.34072.12872.12871.380 (19)
14.72.383GERIngrid KlimkeFranziskus 1573.08571.06472.02173.61772.12872.443 (14)
15.72.277DENNanna Skodborg MerraldAtterupgaards Orthilia72.02172.76673.08571.59671.91572.883 (12)
16.72.213PORRodrigo TorresFogoso Horsecampline73.19171.38372.66072.12871.70272.321 (16)
17.72.128NEDDinja van LiereHartsuijker71.80972.23470.42672.02174.14973.000 (11)
18.71.575SWEAntonia RamelCuriosity71.06472.66072.34070.74571.06471.058 (21)
19.71.574ESPAlejandro Sánchez Del BarcoQuincallo de Indalo72.66071.48971.17071.06471.48972.349 (15)
20.71.425ESPJosé Antonio García MenaDivina Royal72.34070.85172.23470.85170.85171.383 (18)
20.71.425NEDThamar ZweistraHexagon’s Double Dutch71.17071.17071.91571.70271.17070.102 (25)
22.71.213AUSLyndal OatleyEros71.17069.57471.70271.91571.70271.765 (17)
23.70.979GBRLaura TomlinsonFallatijn71.80970.21370.95770.53271.38370.672 (23)
24.70.830BRAJoão-Victor Marcari OlivaEscorial Horsecampline71.59669.14970.85170.63871.91570.994 (22)
25.70.255SWEJuliette RamelBuriel K.H.70.00070.63868.61769.14972.87269.412 (27)
26.70.106GBRLara ButlerKristjan70.10672.76669.36269.57468.72369.193 (28)
27.68.787NEDKaren NijveltElysias67.55369.78767.44769.14970.00068.075 (31)
28.68.298USACharlotte JorstKastel’s Nintendo68.10666.51168.85169.59668.42670.049 (26)
29.68.064USABenjamin EbelingIndeed67.76667.02168.29870.10667.12868.096 (30)
29.68.064GBRSusan PapeHarmony’s Eclectisch68.93668.61767.02168.29867.44767.780 (32)
31.68.000BELLarissa PauluisFlambeau64.78769.57469.25567.87268.51168.515 (29)
32.65.341AUSMary HannaSyriana66.27766.48964.04366.27763.61764.986 (33)
33.62.255ESPJuan Antonio Jiménez CoboEuclides Mor65.85163.83061.70260.00059.89464.780 (34)
ELIMUSAKatie DuerrhammerQuartett70.360 (24)
ELIM.GERIsabell WerthDSP Quantaz