Gerry Ibanez of California’s Summit Farm Makes Winning Bid of $40,000 for Month of Training with USA Team Coach Debbie McDonald
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RANCHO SANTA FE, California, April 27, 2019–Gerry Ibanez, owner of Summit Farm in Southern California, was the winning bidder of $40,000 for a month of training with United States team coach Debbie McDonald that he is donating for development of a Junior or Young Rider.
The bid by Gerry on behalf of his Summit Farm of Murrieta was made at a U.S. Equestrian Team Foundation “Spring Soirèe” attended by about 250 supporters.
The package with Debbie includes a month of training and board, transportation for the horse, full care and use of the facility and private living quarters for the rider with pool access. The rider, to be selected in consultation with the USET Foundation and the U.S. Equestrian Federation, will also be able to shadow Charlotte Bredahl, the U.S. developing coach.
The $40,000 paid to the USET Foundation will be used provide coaching, veterinarian services, physiotherapists and other services for team competitors.
In addition to ownership of Summit Farm, Gerry Ibanez is the sponsor of Sarah Lockman who is the leading Small Tour contender on First Apple to be on the United States team for the Pan American Games this summer.