European Championship Tickets Now Available with International Credit Cards
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HERNING, Denmark, Dec. 11–Tickets for the European Championships in dressage and jumping can now be bought with credit cards issued anywhere in the world, organizers of the event announced Tuesday after working out arrangements for the event scheduled from Tuesday Aug. 20 to Sunday Aug. 25.
In this year of no Olympics or World Equestrian Games, the European Championships will be the biggest equestrian team competition and the biggest sports event in Denmark in 2013.
The championships will be held at the MCH Messecenter Herning, opened two years ago as an outdoor entertainment and sports center for Herning in the heart of Jutland and can accommodate about 10,000 spectators.
Danish regulations initially prevented organizers from accepting foreign credit cards, but arrangements were approved to accept credit cards from around the world..
Tickes for the event are on sale and a Christmas discount of 10 per cent is being offered for purchases before the end of this year. For more information visit:
The schedule of the European Championships::
Monday, Aug. 19 Jumping warmup competition
Tuesday, Aug. 20 Training dressage
Jumping Speed Competition
Wednesday, Aug. 21 Jumping Team Competition Part 1
Dressage Grand Prix Team Competition Part 1
Thursday, Aug. 22 Dressage Grand Prix Team Competition Part 2
Jumping Team Competition Part 2
Friday, Aug. 23 Dressage Grand Prix Special
Saturday, Aug. 24 Jumping Individual Part 1
Jumping Individual Part 2
Sunday, Aug. 25 Dressage Freestyle