Latest Novel from Best Selling Author, Dressage Rider Tami Hoag Goes on Sale
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WELLINGTON, Florida, Dec. 21–“Deeper than the Dead,” the latest mystery novel from New York Times best selling author and dressage rider, Tami Hoag, went on sale in the United States on Tuesday, Dec. 29.
Fourteen of Tami’s previous novels have made it to the New York Times best seller list, including “Dark Horse,” centered around the equestrian scene in Wellington where Tami maintains a home and barn to compete her dressage horses on the Florida winter circuit. She also has a home in the Southern California beachfront community of Malibu.
The book goes on sale in book stores Dec. 29 and is also available online through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other Internet sites.
A featured personality in “Deeper than the Dead” is a character named Jane Thomas, based on the real Jane Thomas, daughter of Peggy and Parry Thomas, owners of Olympic dressage mare Brentina, ridden by Debbie McDonald to be the first American combination to become World Cup champion.

Thomas became a character in the novel when she bid $20,000 (€14,000) for the “naming” right at a fundraiser at the USET Foundation auction in 2008.
“I love supporting the USET Foundation and this was a great way to raise money for them,” Hoag said. She wrote a tribute to Thomas in the front of “Deeper than the Dead:” “In the book, as in real life, the character’s name is Jane Thomas. I hope the real Jane enjoys her character as much as I enjoyed writing it.”

The latest novel is not centered around equestrian sports, but true to Jane’s real life there are references to her character on the European jumping and dressage circuit.
Tami gave away two copies of “Deeper than the Dead” at the recent USET Holiday Gala Fundraiser presented by SUCCEED and Wellington Classic Dressage and signed copies of her novels.
In January, Tami will embark on an 11-city tour for the new novel.
“After the book tour I will return to Wellington and start showing,” she said. “Even though I make my living as a writer, riding and showing is what I look forward to.
“I will be excited to finally get into the show ring with Bacchus de Light, my top Grand Prix horse who has been out for a year rehabbing an injury. He’s coming back into great form.”
The cities she will visit on her book tour are:
Dec. 29 – Rochester, Minn.
Jan. 4 – Scottsdale, Ariz.
Jan. 5 – Houston, Texas
Jan. 6 – Winnetyka, Ill.
Jan. 7 – Cincinnati, Ohio
Jan. 8 – Beaverscreek, Ohio
Jan. 9 – Wellington, Fla.
Jan. 12 – Delray Beach, Fla.
Jan. 13 – Plantation, Fla.
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