European Equestrian Federation Launches New Dressage Team Development Competition Series
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Sept. 6, 2022
The European Equestrian Federation launches a new dressage team development competition series, expanding its Evolution team competition that began with jumping this summer.
The new EEF Evolution Dressage competition of teams of one pony, children, junior and young rider/senior rider will be staged in Tsaratsovo, Bulgaria this week.
The dressage format will be tested this year with the goal of creating a complete EEF Evolution series with a final in 2023.
The aim is to inspire the growth and accessibility of equestrian sport by offering a new format in lower levels of international events so horses and riders gain experience.
The format of jumping competitions across three classes was inaugurated in Bojourishte, Bulgaria in June.
Teams can be made up of riders from different nationalities to encourage camaraderie and shared learning across the different categories of competition.
The EEF Evolution League will also be a key education tool for officials, with specific opportunities made to develop their experience and learn through organized seminars and mentoring programmes.
The new EEF Evolution Dressage competition can be seen this week in Tsaratsovo, Bulgaria and watched live on the EEF website here