FEI Formally Recognizes International Grooms Association
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April 26, 2022
The International Grooms Association and the International Equestrian Federation signed a memorandum of understanding Tuesday to formally recognize the organization established to achieve greater representation and career recognition for grooms.
The MoU was signed by Lucy Katan, Founding Director of the International Grooms Association, and Ingmar De Vos, FEI President.
The independent not-for-profit professional association IGA has been established to achieve greater representation and career recognition for grooms as well as improve their working conditions, especially at equestrian events where long hours are the norm.
Support provided by the IGA will include guidance on employment rules, answers to commonly asked questions on recruitment, a toolkit for grooms
Efforts toward signing of the MOU began in 2017 with the first meeting of the FEI Grooms Working Group.
The FEI in 2009 created the an annual Best Groom Award and in 2015 FEI Solidarity created an educational course of three in-person sessions and one practical assessment of grooms.
“The goal is for the IGA to become the voice of international grooms,” said Lucy, “while recognizing all the work that goes into keeping the equine athletes of our sport happy, healthy and performing at their best.”
Grooms can become a member of IGA through the association’s official website: www.internationalgrooms.org.