About 50% of International Equestrian Competitions Canceled So Far in 2020, FEI Reports More Expected

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June 24, 2020

About 50% of international equestrian competitions have been canceled so far in 2020 with the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) reporting more are expected. The organization representing nine horse sports, including two para, expects a loss of 8,229,000 Swiss francs/€7,714.000/US$8,677,000 for the year.

Of the three Olympic disciplines, the number of cancellations for dressage was 563, 514 due to coronavirus; jumping 1,122 (956 coronavirus) and eventing 500 (470 coronavirus).

The Olympics themselves that were to begin in Tokyo next month were postponed for a year to 2021 while the World Cup Finals of dressage and jumping set for Las Vegas were called off altogether.

FEI revenues were estimated to fall by 26,620,000 Swiss francs, not including the International Olympic Committee contribution normally distributed in the year the Games are staged.

Expenses, however, were cut by 20,753,000 Swiss francs.

The revenue loss, the FEI said, “did not threaten the short-medium term existence” of the Lausanne, Switzerland-based federation.