Lendon Gray’s Dressage4Kids Wellington Winter Program Gets Free Lessons from Steffen Peters
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WELLINGTON, Florida, Feb. 11, 2020–Eleven riders and horses in Lendon Gray’s Dressage4Kids Winter Intensive Training Program received coaching from Steffen Peters, in Wellington competing to be on America’s team for the Tokyo Olympics.
“Incredibly generous,” said Lendon, herself an Olympian for the U.S. in 1988, who holds the winter program at Hampton Green Farm. “The excitement for my kids was impressive.”
Steffen, of San Diego, California and a veteran of four U.S. Olympic teams so far, said:
“I think Lendon’s program is absolutely amazing.
“I talked to the kids about two weeks ago about life in general and what psychological challenges the sport can bring.
“I’ve wanted to give back a little. The kids came out to watch Mopsie’s (Suppenkasper’s) training. I told them I wanted to share even more and would teach them for free.
“We need to invest in our youngsters which is what we achieved today. On a personal note it feels good to share. It’s not always about receiving. It feels good to give back, it feels good to work with the kids. I believe the universe usually pays back for that.”