Adrienne Lyle & Salvino Top Ranked American on World Standings for First Time in Career
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Jan. 31, 2020
Adrienne Lyle on Salvino has become the highest ranked American combination for the first time in the rider’s career and heading into selection competitions for a place on the United States team for the Tokyo Olympics.
Adrienne and the 13-year-old Hanoverian stallion are No. 20 in the world on the International Equestrian Federation rankings as of the end of January and posted Friday.
Adrienne and Salvino, owned by Betsy Juliano LLC, that began their international Grand Prix career almost three years ago last competed at the World Equestrian Festival CDIO5* in Aachen, Germany in July.
Adrienne is also ranked 46th on the U.S. bred Harmony’s Duval.
Laura Graves and Verdades, the leading American partnership for much of the past five years including the only U.S. pair to ever top the rankings, insured a U.S. pair stayed in the top 10 in the world. The duo dropped from seventh in the world at the end of 2019 to 235th this month.
Laura announced that she will no longer compete Verdades, 18 years old and on U.S. teams that captured bronze at the 2016 Olympics and silver at the 2018 World Equestrian Games, as well as individual silver. In four World Cup appearances, the pair was reserve champion three times.
The World Cup in Sweden in April 2019 was the last competition for the pair.
Kasey Perry-Glass who also last competed Dublet at the same World Cup Final had been in the world’s top 10 for most of 2019 dropped from 11th at the end of last year to 66th in January.
However, Kasey and the 17-year-old Danish Warmblood gelding that were on the same medal-winning Olympic and World Games teams plans to seek a place on the team for Tokyo.

So, too, will Steffen Peters on Suppenkasper that moved to 26th, up three spots from the end of last year.
Adrienne on Salvino, Steffen on Suppenkasper and Kasey on Dublet are entered for the Adequan Global Dressage Festival CDI5* Grand Prix and Special in Wellington, Florida Feb. 19-23, mandatory selection competitions for combinations ranked highest on U.S. Olympic standings.
The 35-year-old Adrienne competed Wizard at the 2012 London Olympics and the 2014 World Games then dropped out of Big Tour for about 2 1/2 years until she returned to top sport with Salvino.