Three Horses Die in Wellington Barn Fire
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WELLINGTON, Florida, Mar. 14, 2019–Three horses died in a a fire at Serenity Show Horse Stables in Wellington Thursday.
Kelli Cruciotti reported that 18 horses were saved by the staff of the hunter/jumper farm that is in Wellington for the winter circuit. Serenity is located in Elizabeth, Colorado.
“Tonight every horse owner’s worst nightmare came true at our farm in Wellington–a barn fire,” she wrote on the farm’s Facebook page, reporting on the rescue of 18 horses.
“Please pray for the owners of the three horses we were unable to save,” she wrote.”Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families.
“We are grateful for the outpouring of help in the middle of the night with trailers, feed and help leading horses off the farm. We lost everything in our tack and feed rooms.”
Cause of the fire was not known.