Horse Inspection Tuesday to Open Dressage at World Games, High Praise for Tryon Competition Footing & Stabling

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A thunderstorm with a threat of lightning curtailed work in the World Equestrian Games for Laura Graves on Verdades and Adrienne Lyle on Salvino. © 2018 Ken Braddick/


TRYON, North Carolina, Sept. 10, 2018–Most of the dressage horses from 31 nations worked in the World Equestrian Games main arena Monday, a day ahead of the horse inspection that kicks off the world championships with high praise for the stabling and competition footing at the Tryon International Equestrian Center.

A late afternoon thunderstorm and the threat of lightning cut short familiarizaton–forecast to be an unwelcome feature of these Games with Hurricane Florence bearing down on the Carolina coast that at 200 miles/320km away is likely too far to present a problem from winds but could bring heavy rain.

The United States team as the last by alphabetical order was the only one of the 15 teams that barely got time in the main arena where two days of Grand Prix on Wednesday and Thursday will decide team medals for the Games that are held once every four years and are being staged in the United States for only the second time since their inauguration in 1990.

Hurricane Florence was veering slightly north from earlier projections that could lessen the impact when it makes landfall projected for late Thursday.

Crews were working around the clock to complete the imposing three-story VIP and media center and a few other elements needed for the combined championships of the eight international horse sports–dressage, driving, endurance, eventing, jumping, reining, vaulting and para-dressage Sept. 11-23.

German stars Isabell Werth on Bella Rose and Sönke Rothenberger on Cosmo working in the WEG main arena. © 2018 Ken Braddick/
Bella Rose receiving a much needed rub down with a towel while working in hot and humid weather in the World Games main arena. © 2018 Ken Braddick/
Charlotte Dujardin on Mount St. John Freestyle under the watchful eye of Carl Hester on Hawtins Delicato. © 2018 Ken Braddick/