USA’s Ashley Holzer & Radondo Win Fritzens Int. 1 for 2nd Victory–Video

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FRITZENS, Austria, Ju;y 1, 2017–Ashley Holzer and Radondo won the Intermediate 1 Saturday, a day after capturing the Prix St. Georges for the first European victory for the Canadian Olympian now riding for the United States.

Ashley, of New York and a four-time Olympian for Canada, and the 11-year-old Oldenburg gelding scored 72.842 per cent in the sixth CDI start and the third Int. 1 for the pair. The result was a personal best for the duo. Radondo is owned by Diana C. Rose of North Salem, New York.

Austrians Christian Schumach on Sinclair Jason was second on 68.368 per cent and Florian Bacher on Dauphin third on 67.921 per cent.

Ashley Holzer and Radondo hearing the American national anthem for their win at Fritzens.


Intermediate 1(E)(H)(C)(M)(B)Total
1.23RadondoHolzer, AshleyUSA€500273.5273.5278.5283.0275.51384.0 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 11y.W /Blue Hors Romanov/Blue Hors Don Schufro/OLDBG/105EP30/ Diana C Rose71.974 %71.974 %73.289 %74.474 %72.500 %72.842 %
2.53Sinclair JasonSchumach, ChristianAUT400259.0255.5265.0256.0263.51299.0 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 9y.H /San Amour/Lord Sinclair/OLDBG/105FI78/ Petra Lisec68.157 %67.236 %69.736 %67.368 %69.342 %68.368 %
3.2Dauphin 28Bacher, FlorianAUT300261.0249.0258.5272.5249.51290.5 pointsshow score sheet
CHEST 14y.W /de Niro/Romancier/OLDBG/105RK09/ Dr. Kirk Nordwald68.684 %65.526 %68.026 %71.710 %65.658 %67.921 %
4.32Sun Of May LifeIsachkina, ReginaRUS200255.0257.0255.5249.5266.01283.0 pointsshow score sheet
BLACK 8y.H /San Amour/Rubioso N/RHEIN/104RK46/ Isachkina, Regina67.105 %67.631 %67.237 %65.658 %70.000 %67.526 %
5.19Dubrovnik NRWHimsl, WolfgangAUT160252.5252.0252.0255.0260.51272.0 pointsshow score sheet
DCHST 8y.H /Diamond Hit/Regazzoni/WESTF/103VJ76/ Elisabeth Max-Theurer & Gestüt V66.447 %66.315 %66.315 %67.105 %68.552 %66.947 %
6.3FidertraumBacher, FlorianAUT120263.5249.5252.0253.5252.51271.0 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 8y.W /Fidertanz/Rubinstein I/OLDBG/105RK08/ Verena Bacher69.342 %65.658 %66.316 %66.711 %66.448 %66.895 %
7.61Sir Raphael 3Voglsang, RenateAUT90251.5244.0255.5252.0256.01259.0 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 8y.H /Sandro Hit/Raphael/103VE18/ Denhard-Muck, Aurelia66.184 %64.210 %67.237 %66.316 %67.368 %66.263 %
8.54Fuhur 6Sidneva, ElenaRUS90247.0250.0254.0251.5244.51247.0 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 8y.W /Fürstenreich/Nagnat/105PF93/ Elena Sidneva65.000 %65.790 %66.843 %66.185 %64.343 %65.632 %
9.48DivaroSarasin, PatriciaSUI70250.5244.5244.0254.0244.51237.5 pointsshow score sheet
BLACK 8y.W /OLDBG/105RG05/ Sarasin Patricia & Grimm Roland65.921 %64.343 %64.211 %66.843 %64.343 %65.132 %
10.30Degas KKim, HyeokKOR70251.5244.5247.0239.0250.51232.5 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 10y.W /de Niro 6/Walt Disney I/HANN/105OY92/ Kim, Hyeok66.184 %64.342 %65.000 %62.894 %65.921 %64.868 %
Other, non-placed competitors
11.17Fuerst FlipperHartung, AmandaAUT255.5238.0247.0246.5238.01225.0 pointsshow score sheet
CHEST 8y.W /Fürst Nymphenburg/Wolkentanz/HANN/105QK99/ Gabriele Hartung67.237 %62.632 %65.000 %64.869 %62.632 %64.474 %
12.42Florento FortunaMiloserdova, TatianaRUS243.5236.0242.5245.0235.01202.0 pointsshow score sheet
DBAY 7y.W /Sorento/Rubiquil/KWPN/104PL66/ Miloserdova, Tatiana64.079 %62.105 %63.816 %64.474 %61.842 %63.263 %
13.65Z.FlorisZade, Rotem Jale IbrahimTUR239.5236.5243.5236.0232.01187.5 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 13y.W /Future/Hamilon/KWPN/105GI32/ R. Ibrahimzadeh & I Ibrahimzadeh &63.026 %62.237 %64.079 %62.105 %61.053 %62.500 %
14.24LuminosaIemi, MonicaITA238.5226.0241.5243.0233.01182.0 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 9y.S /Locksley II/Wesley/HANN/104AN26/ Soc. Agr. Roncobello Srl62.764 %59.474 %63.553 %63.948 %61.316 %62.211 %
15.18Umani 2Hergeth, AngelaAUT238.0234.5237.0234.5230.51174.5 pointsshow score sheet
11y.S /Unee/Glueckspilz/104QN96/ Johanna Kriechbaumer62.632 %61.711 %62.369 %61.711 %60.658 %61.816 %
16.49Fly AloneSarasin, PatriciaSUI232.9229.4234.9242.4230.91170.5 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 9y.W /105RG03/ Sarasin Patricia & Grimm Roland61.289 %60.368 %61.816 %63.789 %60.763 %61.605 %
17.74ZuckerbubeKöck, DanielAUT241.5220.0240.5231.5233.01166.5 pointsshow score sheet
F 14y.W /Zuckerjunge/Le Charmeur E/HESS/105QH97/ Herßebroick,Marion & Köck, Danie63.553 %57.895 %63.290 %60.921 %61.316 %61.395 %
18.75QueHang, NicoleTPE229.9215.9226.4231.4221.91125.5 pointsshow score sheet
DB 11y.W /Quarterman/Classic Dance/DSP/105SC06/ Kang,Connie60.500 %56.816 %59.579 %60.895 %58.395 %59.237 %
19.9Absolute AlonsoFerrando, PatriciaITA223.5208.0218.0220.0220.51090.0 pointsshow score sheet
BAY 12y.W /Sandreo/Symfonie/103BM44/ Francisco Convit58.815 %54.736 %57.368 %57.894 %58.026 %57.368 %
20.58Prince Charming WpaVajiralongkorn, H.R.H. PrincessTHA206.5183.0198.0204.0190.5982.0 pointsshow score sheet
17y.H /Prince Thatch XX/World Cup I/HANN/104KJ98/ Thailand Equestrian Federation54.342 %48.158 %52.105 %53.684 %50.131 %51.684 %
 Judges:(E) Thomas Lang (AUT) Total prize money:
(H) Ghislain Fouarge (NED)
(C) Susanne Baarup (DEN)
(M) Anette Fransen Iacobaeus (SWE)
(B) Dr. Evi Eisenhardt (GER)