Steffen Peters & Rosamunde 1st, Allison Brock & Rosevelt 3rd in Rotterdam CDI3* Special

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Steffen Peters on Rosamunde celebrating the pair's victory in the Rotterdam CDI3* Grand Prix Special. © 2016 Ken Braddick/
Steffen Peters on Rosamunde celebrating the pair’s victory in the Rotterdam CDI3* Grand Prix Special. © 2016 Ken Braddick/


ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, Junw 25, 2016–Steffen Peters and Rosamunde posted their second straight victory in winning the CDI3* Grand Prix Special Saturday while American team mates Allison Brock and Rosevelt were again third.

Steffen described the ride on the nine-year-old Westfalen mare as “beautiful” and the judges awarded the pair 75.157 per cent a day after taking the Grand Prix.

Sweden’s Therese Nilshagen on Dante Weltino OLD were second on 73.882 per cent.

Allison Brock on Rosevelt placed third on 73.176 that would appear to cement their place on the American team for the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in six weeks.

Arlene “Tuny” Page also seeking to be on the team with her Woodstock was fifth on 70.980 per cent.

Allison Brock and Rosevelt in the CDI3* Grand Prix Special at Rotterdam. © 2016 Ken Braddick/
Allison Brock and Rosevelt in the CDI3* Grand Prix Special at Rotterdam. © 2016 Ken Braddick/

Steffen of San Diego, California said of the ride: “Rosie was very much with me todsy. We had a tiny stumble in the left pirouette and she’s so incredibly talented she balanced herself immediately. She did a very clean, beautiful half passes and lots of wonderful extensions and once again felt beautiful in the bridle.

“I was able to collect the passage today even more than yesterday. Everything worked out great.”

Asked whether this show indicated the mare had come of age after competing at Big Tour for the past 17 months following a year at Prix St. Georges, he said: “Any time you say that it kicks you in the behind pretty good. I obviously had the same thought, ‘This is a big step for her now we’re consistently in the 75 per cent range, but I’d be crazy to hold my breath because it can show you quite the opposite at the next show. So I don’t take it for granted.

“Certainly from the past two days of showing I’m extremely proud of her.”

Steffen Peters riding Rosamunde in the CDI3* Grand Prix Special for the second victory in a row at Rotterdam. © 2016 Ken Braddick/
Steffen Peters riding Rosamunde in the CDI3* Grand Prix Special for the second victory in a row at Rotterdam. © 2016 Ken Braddick/

For Ali Brock and Rosevelt consistent performances that carried over from Wellington to the two selection events in Europe put the pair among the top four along with Steffen and Legolas, Laura Graves and Verdades and Kasey Perry-Glass expected to be named to the team next week. Rosamunde is expected to travel with the team as a backup.

The score came despite a mishap earlier Saturday.

“He almost seriously bucked me off this morning,” Ali told dressage-news. Got really scared while tack walking because of a super loud sound check. It was really bad.

“I think that too much energy out of him. But 73 is good enough on a not perfect day.”

The reserve combination is expected to be either Tuny Page on Woodstock or Shelly Francis on Doktor that are on the American Nations Cup team here.

Arlene "Tuny" Page sharing the applaiuse with Woodstock in the CDI3* Grand Prix Special at Rotterdam. © 2016 Ken Braddick/
Arlene “Tuny” Page sharing the applaiuse with Woodstock in the CDI3* Grand Prix Special at Rotterdam. © 2016 Ken Braddick/

Ireland’s Judy Reynolds on Vancouver K had a more successful Grand Prix Special ride with 69.333 per cent for seventh place after a disappointing Grand Prix Friday. The pair will show in Fritzens, Austria next week in preparing for the individual start at Rio.

Ireland's Judy Reynolds on Vancouver K in the Rotterdam CDI3* Grand Prix Special. © 2016 Ken Braddick/
Ireland’s Judy Reynolds on Vancouver K in the Rotterdam CDI3* Grand Prix Special. © 2016 Ken Braddick/

Madeleine Witte-Vrees on Cennin scored 74.625 per cent to lead a Dutch sweep of the top three places in the CDI3* Grand Prix Freestyle.

Katja Gevers on Thriller was second on 73.575 per cent and Marlies van Baalen on Zinidi third on 73.200 per cent.

Madeleine Witte-Vrees and Cennin that led a Dutch sweep of the CDI3* Grand Prix Freestyle. © 2016 Ken Braddick/
Madeleine Witte-Vrees and Cennin that led a Dutch sweep of the CDI3* Grand Prix Freestyle. © 2016 Ken Braddick/


CDI3* Grand Prix Special

 CDI3* Grand Prix Freestyle

Placed competitors

1.357CENNINMadeleine WITTE-VREESNED74.500 %75.375 %75.375 %74.750 %73.125 %74.625 %
1700 EUR
KWPN / Stallion / 2007 / Vivaldi / N.F. Witte & J.E.J. Cuppen(1.)(2.)(1.)(1.)(3.)
2.298THRILLERKatja GEVERSNED71.375 %75.500 %73.875 %73.000 %74.125 %73.575 %
1400 EUR
KWPN / Gelding / 2000 / Gribaldi / Dhr. R. Gevers(6.)(1.)(2.)(3.)(1.)
3.337ZINIDIMarlies VAN BAALENNED73.250 %70.875 %73.875 %74.125 %73.875 %73.200 %
1100 EUR
KWPN / Stallion / 2004 / Gribaldi / Dressuurstal van Baalen & T. de Vries(2.)(6.)(2.)(2.)(2.)
4.305BENETTON DREAM FRH 1301Tinne VILHELMSON SILFVÉNSWE72.500 %71.375 %71.750 %71.875 %72.125 %71.925 %
800 EUR
HANN / Stallion / 2004 / Brentano II / Lövsta Stuteri AB(4.)(4.)(5.)(5.)(5.)
5.278APACHEEmmelie SCHOLTENSNED72.625 %68.750 %72.875 %71.625 %71.625 %71.500 %
600 EUR
KWPN / Stallion / 2005 / UB 40 / A. Valk(3.)(9.)(4.)(6.)(7.)
6.312DANILOShelly FRANCISUSA71.875 %68.625 %69.000 %72.625 %72.625 %70.950 %
400 EUR
HANN / Gelding / 2004 / DE NIRO / PATRICIA A. STEMPEL(5.)(11.)(9.)(4.)(4.)

Total: 6,000.00 EUR

Other, non-placed competitors

7.341SANDRO BOY 9Lyndal OATLEYAUS68.750 %73.000 %71.250 %70.375 %70.875 %70.850 %
OLDBG / Gelding / 2001 / Sandro Hit / Oatley, Carol u. Andrew(8.)(3.)(7.)(8.)(8.)
8.347ZANYOStephanie DE FRELNED69.875 %71.125 %69.375 %71.250 %71.750 %70.675 %
KWPN / Gelding / 2004 / Turbo Magic / VMF Stables & L. van Oosten(7.)(5.)(8.)(7.)(6.)
9.270ZAMACHO ZJill HUYBREGTSNED67.875 %69.125 %71.375 %69.375 %67.875 %69.125 %
KWPN / Gelding / 2004 / ROUSSEAU / C.C.W. HUIJBREGTS(10.)(8.)(6.)(9.)(10.)
10.310REMMINGTONSuzanne HEARNAUS68.125 %70.625 %67.375 %68.375 %68.625 %68.625 %
UN / Gelding / 2002 / RIVER DANCE / Suzanne Hearn & Joady Artup(9.)(7.)(10.)(12.)(9.)
11.286EQUITAGO ZANDORNorma PAOLIITA67.000 %68.750 %65.875 %69.000 %66.500 %67.425 %
KWPN / Gelding / 2004 / FLORENCIO / EQUITAGO srl(11.)(9.)(11.)(10.)(12.)
12.296ZERO GRAVITYGünter SEIDELUSA66.750 %65.875 %64.125 %68.750 %67.875 %66.675 %
KWPN / Gelding / 2004 / ROYAL HIT / JAMES & CHARLOTTE MASHBURN(12.)(12.)(12.)(11.)(10.)