Caroline Roffman, 2010 FEI “Rising Star,” Gives Birth to Girl
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WELLINGTON, Florida, April 1, 2016–Caroline Roffman, a successful American rider and the 2010 FEI “Rising Star,” gave birth Friday to a girl weighing 7lb. 6 oz. and 19 ins. long (3.345kg/48.26cm).
The father, Ben Meredith, an Australian jumper rider based in Wellington, was at Caroline’s side for the birth at the Wellington Regional Medical Center.
Caroline, 27, years old and Ben, 32, operate a joint dressage/jumping training center in Wellington.
Caroline competed in Young Riders from 2006 through 2009 then moved to Small Tour in 2012.
In 2013, she competed Sagacious HF in the Under-25 division at the World Equestrian Festival in Aachen, Germany, placing second in both the Grand Prix and the Freestyle.
The following year she was selected on Her Highness O to be part of the American squad to go to Europe for selection of the team for the World Games in Normandy.