Steffen Peters Posts Personal Best Scores on Legolas & Rosamunde for 1st & 2nd in Burbank World Cup Grand Prix
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BURBANK, California, Jan. 29, 2016–Steffen Peters racked up personal best scores on both Legolas and Rosamunde in taking first and second places in the California Dreaming Productions World Cup Grand Prix Friday in their first competition of the year heading to the summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Steffen on Legolas, the 14-year-old Westfalen gelding on which he is ranked No. 7 in the world, scored 79.942 per cent to come close to the 80 per cent that only his previous mount Ravel has been the only American horse to achieve.
On Rosamnde, the nine-year-old Rhinelander mare he has been competing at Grand Prix for less than a year, was awarded 76.820 per cent, also a personal best.
Canada’s Joni Lynn Peters on Travolta was third on 66.180 per cent.
“It was an amazing day with both horses,” Steffen told “Rosie started with clean test. I worked on the movements which were criticized during the (U.S.) championships, such as the trot extensions and the straightness in the changes. All the weak parts from championships improved. Rosie was so much fun to ride.
“Legolas did the best test of his career today. It is only logical for everybody to question if this score can hold up in the 5 star CDI in a couple of weeks in Florida and in Europe this year. It is what Legolas and I need to do for team USA.
“We have a lot to prove and of course the expectations need to be extremely high in an Olympic year. We will do our very best to achieve the highest possible standard.
“Today we’ll celebrate Legolas and Rosie’s highest score of their careers. I’m so proud of them and extremely thankful to Akiko (Yamazaki) and Jerry (Yang) who allow me to ride such amazing horses.”
Akiko and Jerry also owned Ravel.