Sweden’s Anna Svanberg & Hermes Take Kristiansand Freestyle and Special

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KRISTIANSAND, Norway, June 29, 2014–Sweden’s Anna Svanberg and Hermes won the Grand Prix Freestyle Sunday, adding to the pair’s victory in the Grand Prix Special at the Nordic Baltic Championships.

Anna and the 13-year-old Swedish-bred stallion won their first CDI Freestyle with a score of 74.100 per cent with Agnete Kirk Thingaard of Denmark on Jojo AZ second on 73.925 per cent and Norway’s Trude Hestengen and Tobajo Pik Disney in third on 73.175 per cent.

Anna and Hermes, who competed in only one other CDI, at Verden, Germany last August, won the Special with a score of 71.294 per cent, with Trude and Tobajo Pik Disney second on 70.686 per cent and Agnete and Jojo third on 70.314 per cent.

Judges–E: Irmeli Summanen (FIN) H: Torunn Knævelsrud (NOR) C: Gotthilf Riexinger (GER) M: Lone Dichmann (DEN) B: Lars Anderson (SWE)
PlaceRiderHorseNationNOKE Tec.
E Art.
E Total
H Tec.
H Art.
H Total
C Tec.
C Art.
C Total
M Tec.
M Art.
M Total
B Tec.
B Art.
B Total
Tot. Tec.
Tot. Art.
1Svanberg, AnnaHermesSWE640073,000 %
78,000 %
75,500 % (1)
71,250 %
75,000 %
73,125 % (3)
74,250 %
77,000 %
75,625 % (2)
69,500 %
72,000 %
70,750 % (9)
73,000 %
78,000 %
75,500 % (2)
72,200 %
76,000 %
74,100 %
2Kirk Thingaard, AgneteJojo AZDEN520072,000 %
77,000 %
74,500 % (3)
72,000 %
75,000 %
73,500 % (2)
72,500 %
74,000 %
73,250 % (5)
70,750 %
73,000 %
71,875 % (3)
74,000 %
79,000 %
76,500 % (1)
72,250 %
75,600 %
73,925 %
3Hestengen, TrudeTobajo Pik DisneyNOR400068,500 %
76,000 %
72,250 % (6)
73,250 %
76,000 %
74,625 % (1)
71,500 %
73,000 %
72,250 % (7)
71,500 %
74,000 %
72,750 % (1)
72,000 %
76,000 %
74,000 % (3)
71,350 %
75,000 %
73,175 %
4Rasmussen, JimBroholm`s HiglightDEN300071,000 %
74,000 %
72,500 % (4)
68,750 %
73,000 %
70,875 % (8)
71,500 %
76,000 %
73,750 % (4)
71,000 %
72,000 %
71,500 % (4)
69,500 %
71,000 %
70,250 % (9)
70,350 %
73,200 %
71,775 %
5Darcourt, CarolineParidon MagiSWE140067,250 %
70,000 %
68,625 % (11)
66,750 %
74,000 %
70,375 % (10)
73,750 %
78,000 %
75,875 % (1)
70,000 %
73,000 %
71,500 % (4)
70,000 %
74,000 %
72,000 % (7)
69,550 %
73,800 %
71,675 %
6Bondegaard, Charlotte HaidTriviant 2SWE68,750 %
74,000 %
71,375 % (7)
67,000 %
76,000 %
71,500 % (5)
68,250 %
71,000 %
69,625 % (11)
71,500 %
73,000 %
72,250 % (2)
69,250 %
75,000 %
72,125 % (5)
68,950 %
73,800 %
71,375 %
7Rasmussen, CathrineFernandezNOR70,750 %
74,000 %
72,375 % (5)
68,000 %
74,000 %
71,000 % (7)
68,500 %
71,000 %
69,750 % (10)
69,000 %
73,000 %
71,000 % (8)
70,250 %
74,000 %
72,125 % (5)
69,300 %
73,200 %
71,250 %
8Kalseth, CamillaCarte D’OrNOR66,500 %
71,000 %
68,750 % (10)
66,750 %
75,000 %
70,875 % (8)
71,500 %
78,000 %
74,750 % (3)
70,250 %
72,000 %
71,125 % (7)
66,750 %
70,000 %
68,375 % (11)
68,350 %
73,200 %
70,775 %
9Nyreröd , EmilieMiataSWE73,250 %
76,000 %
74,625 % (2)
64,250 %
69,000 %
66,625 % (13)
69,750 %
69,000 %
69,375 % (12)
68,000 %
71,000 %
69,500 % (15)
71,500 %
75,000 %
73,250 % (4)
69,350 %
72,000 %
70,675 %
10Skov, Allan Volstrupgaards CassiopeiaDEN68,250 %
72,000 %
70,125 % (9)
69,500 %
74,000 %
71,750 % (4)
68,750 %
76,000 %
72,375 % (6)
69,000 %
72,000 %
70,500 % (10)
66,500 %
70,000 %
68,250 % (12)
68,400 %
72,800 %
70,600 %
11Aamann, Lena LeschlyGoerklintsgaards FaneroDEN67,750 %
68,000 %
67,875 % (13)
70,750 %
72,000 %
71,375 % (6)
70,000 %
71,000 %
70,500 % (9)
69,750 %
71,000 %
70,375 % (11)
69,500 %
73,000 %
71,250 % (8)
69,550 %
71,000 %
70,275 %
12Porthan-Brodell, EevamariaSolos LacanFIN69,750 %
73,000 %
71,375 % (7)
66,250 %
71,000 %
68,625 % (12)
68,500 %
74,000 %
71,250 % (8)
70,750 %
72,000 %
71,375 % (6)
66,250 %
70,000 %
68,125 % (13)
68,300 %
72,000 %
70,150 %
13Henningsen, SanneCapongDEN66,250 %
70,000 %
68,125 % (12)
66,500 %
71,000 %
68,750 % (11)
67,000 %
69,000 %
68,000 % (13)
68,250 %
72,000 %
70,125 % (12)
64,750 %
66,000 %
65,375 % (15)
66,550 %
69,600 %
68,075 %
14Jensen, Malene Folmer Acapello FoldagerDEN63,500 %
69,000 %
66,250 % (15)
63,250 %
68,000 %
65,625 % (15)
65,000 %
69,000 %
67,000 % (14)
67,500 %
72,000 %
69,750 % (13)
67,250 %
71,000 %
69,125 % (10)
65,300 %
69,800 %
67,550 %
15Jebsen, Lillann C


NOR65,750 %
70,000 %
67,875 % (13)
65,000 %
68,000 %
66,500 % (14)
64,000 %
67,000 %
65,500 % (15)
68,500 %
71,000 %
69,750 % (13)
65,250 %
70,000 %
67,625 % (14)
65,700 %
69,200 %
67,450 %
Judges–E: Paula Nysten (FIN) H: Magnus Ringmark (SWE) C: Lone Dichmann (DEN) M: Gotthilf Riexinger (GER) B: Torunn Knævelsrud (NOR)
1Svanberg, AnnaHermesSWE510072,843 % (1)70,784 % (2)68,824 % (6)71,569 % (1)72,451 % (2)71,294 %
2Hestengen, TrudeTobajo Pik DisneyNOR420069,314 % (4)70,196 % (3)69,412 % (3)69,608 % (4)74,902 % (1)70,686 %
3Kirk Thingaard, AgneteJojo AZDEN320067,843 % (8)72,255 % (1)69,804 % (1)71,373 % (2)70,294 % (4)70,314 %
4Aamann, Lena LeschlyGoerklintsgaards FaneroDEN240068,922 % (5)70,000 % (4)69,706 % (2)70,098 % (3)66,765 % (10)69,098 %
5Darcourt, CarolineParidon MagiSWE110071,863 % (2)68,627 % (6)69,118 % (4)69,510 % (5)65,588 % (11)68,941 %
5Nyreröd , EmilieMiataSWE110068,922 % (5)69,804 % (5)68,725 % (7)69,020 % (6)68,235 % (7)68,941 %
7Rasmussen, CathrineFernandezNOR70,588 % (3)68,627 % (6)67,941 % (10)66,863 % (13)70,098 % (5)68,824 %
8Rasmussen, JimBroholm`s HiglightDEN67,157 % (12)68,627 % (6)68,725 % (7)68,235 % (8)71,176 % (3)68,784 %
9Jensen, Malene Folmer Acapello FoldagerDEN66,765 % (14)67,647 % (12)67,647 % (13)67,647 % (10)69,118 % (6)67,765 %
10Jebsen, Lillann CPro-SetNOR66,961 % (13)68,039 % (9)68,137 % (9)67,745 % (9)67,353 % (9)67,647 %
11Skov, Allan Volstrupgaards CassiopeiaDEN66,373 % (16)67,745 % (11)66,569 % (15)67,255 % (11)68,039 % (8)67,196 %
12Kalseth, CamillaCarte D’OrNOR66,373 % (16)66,569 % (14)67,745 % (11)67,255 % (11)65,294 % (13)66,647 %
13Bondegaard, Charlotte HaidTriviant 2SWE68,529 % (7)66,961 % (13)67,745 % (11)63,039 % (21)65,490 % (12)66,353 %
14Henningsen, SanneCapongDEN67,353 % (9)64,706 % (18)69,020 % (5)65,392 % (18)65,098 % (14)66,314 %
15Porthan-Brodell, EevamariaSolos LacanFIN67,255 % (10)67,843 % (10)66,569 % (15)65,882 % (15)63,235 % (16)66,157 %
16Hagelstam, StellaSoraya IIFIN67,255 % (10)65,686 % (16)66,961 % (14)66,275 % (14)62,941 % (17)65,824 %
17Ehrnrooth, ElisabetWizard IIFIN65,784 % (18)65,784 % (15)65,098 % (18)69,020 % (6)60,294 % (19)65,196 %
18Farbrot, Ellen BirgitteTailormade Akon AskelundNOR66,471 % (15)65,000 % (17)64,020 % (20)65,490 % (16)63,529 % (15)64,902 %
19Heikkilä, JohannaAdonnaFIN62,549 % (20)63,824 % (20)62,843 % (21)65,490 % (16)61,961 % (18)63,333 %
20Finjarn, CharlotteSvalegårds Walk on WaterNOR65,490 % (19)62,941 % (21)64,608 % (19)64,902 % (19)57,843 % (20)63,157 %
21Mathisen, Rose

Bocelli 1044

SWE61,667 % (21)64,706 % (18)65,490 % (17)64,706 % (20)57,745 % (21)62,863 %