Three Major Anders Lindgren Scholarships Totaling $10,000 Awarded

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Reese Koffler-Stanfield. © Audrey Crosby
Reese Koffler-Stanfield. © Audrey Crosby

LINCOLN, Nebraska, Jan. 3, 2014–Three winners of Major Anders Lindgren scholarships with a total of $10,000 to improve teaching, riding and training were announced Friday by The Dressage Foundation.

The awards went to:

Reese Koffler-Stanfield of Georgetown, Kentucky who will receive $6,000 to train with Kathy Connelly. Reese is a U.S. Dressage Fderation Certified Instructor through 4th Level and has earned her USDF bronze, silver, gold and gold freestyle bar medals.

Gina Duran of Livermore, California who will use her award of $2,000 to train with Rachel Saavedra. Gina has a USDF gold medal and is a USDF Certified Instructor through 2nd Level.

Jami Kment of Palmyra, Nebraska will apply her $2,000 to train with Kathy Connelly. Jami has bronze, silver and gold medals and is a USDF “L” program graduate.

Major Lindgren, the 1971 Swedish Dressage Champion and 1972 Swedish Olympic Team member, dedicated himself to educating American dressage instructors.

Applications for the three Lindgren scholarships are due at The Dressage Foundation by Sept. 30 each year.