Isabell Werth & Don Johnson Capture Donaueschingen CDI4* Grand Prix Special

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Isabell Werth riding Don Johnson FRH to victory in the Donaueschingen CDI4* Grand Prix Special. © 2013
Isabell Werth riding Don Johnson FRH to victory in the Donaueschingen CDI4* Grand Prix Special. © 2013

DONAUESCHINGEN, Germany, Sept. 15–The European Championship team gold medal partnership of Isabell Werth and Don Johnson FRH won the CDI4* Grand Prix Special Sunday with a near personal best while fellow German Jenny Lang and Loverboy was reserve champion in only their second Special.

Isabell and the 12-year-old Hanoverian gelding (Don Frederico x Warkant) overcame problems with the piaffe on Saturday to score 76.417 per cent, just 0.16 per cent below their best in the Special posted 1 1/2 years ago.

“I have been in consultation with the national coach,” Isabell said, “the piaffe/passage tour changed .”

“Before the (European) Championship we did not want to risk anything. The horse was almost always too far back so the piaffe/passage tour was not as nice as shown he can do it really.”

Now, she said, “Johnny,” as sh calls the horse, realized what his rider wants–“a little more forward .”

The 26-year-old Jenny Lang and Loverboy scored 74.250 per cent in only the second Special for the pair that began competing CDI Grand Prix in March, posting eight finishes in the top three in 11 starts that included their first Nations Cup, at Hickstead, England last month. Sunday’s result was almost three percentage points higher than their previous Special performance.

“This is the first time afterwards that I’m sitting in a press conference between Isabel and Nadine,” she said.

She and her sister have had Loverboy since he was five years old and riding the horse at L level.

The result for Jenny and Loverboy, a Holsteiner gelding now 13 years old, qualified the pair for the final of the international dressage series MEGGLE Champions.

Nadine Capellmann, who posted double victories Saturday, was third on Girasol 7 with 73.854 per cent as German combinations filled the top seven places.

Arlene “Tuny” Page of Wellington, Florida and Alina placed ninth on 67.458 per cent.


Grand Prix Special
1.1118Don Johnson FRHWerth, IsabellGER3600.00 EUR350.0377.0367.5370.0369.51834.0
Protokoll anzeigen
B 11-j.W v.Don Frederico/M.v.Warkant/HANN/102MB43/B: Winter-Schulze,MadeleineRFV Graf v.Schmettow Eversael72.917 %78.542 %76.563 %77.084 %76.980 %76.417 %
2.699LoverboyLang, JennyGER2000.00 EUR341.5359.0355.0363.5363.01782.0
Protokoll anzeigen
DB 13-j.W v.Lorentin/M.v.Alcatraz 14/HOLST/GER45858/B: Lang, Christin VivienRC Schloßäcker71.146 %74.792 %73.958 %75.729 %75.625 %74.250 %
3.749GirasolCapellmann, NadineGER1300.00 EUR350.0359.0354.0347.0362.51772.5
Protokoll anzeigen
F 12-j.S v.Gribaldi/M.v.Landioso/WÜRTT/102UM07/B: Capellmann, NadineRV Würselen 1925 e.V.72.917 %74.791 %73.750 %72.292 %75.521 %73.854 %
4.700Diamonds ForeverBalkenhol, AnabelGER1000.00 EUR345.0349.5337.0337.5343.51712.5
Protokoll anzeigen
DB 11-j.W v.Depardieu 11/HANN/103VA32/B: Gericke, KathrinRV St. Georg Münster e.V.71.875 %72.812 %70.208 %70.312 %71.562 %71.354 %
5.704DonnellySchmidt, HubertusGER800.00 EUR330.0345.5347.0340.5349.01712.0
Protokoll anzeigen
F 12-j.W v.Donnerruf/M.v.Athletico 30/WESTF/GER43432/B: Arl, JochenRV Altenautal e. V.68.750 %71.979 %72.291 %70.937 %72.708 %71.333 %
6.789Le NoirGräf, UtaGER600.00 EUR341.0348.0337.0343.0342.51711.5
Protokoll anzeigen
R 13-j.H /M.v.Caletto/HOLST/GER46057/B: Herzog, ChristianeRFV Weisenheim am Sand e.V.71.042 %72.501 %70.209 %71.459 %71.355 %71.313 %
7.232Diego OLDEngelen, MarionGER500.00 EUR328.5344.5324.0324.5332.51654.0
Protokoll anzeigen
DB 13-j.W v.Don Larino/M.v.Angelino/OLD/GER45457/B: Engelen,MariaRV Marschall Vorwärts Aldekerk68.438 %71.771 %67.500 %67.604 %69.271 %68.917 %
8.380Jose KilenPedersen, Jon D.DEN500.00 EUR317.0337.5313.5321.0331.01620.0
Protokoll anzeigen
B 12-j.W v.Jazz/M.v.Dorpas AA/DWB/102XG58/B: Malling,TiaDänemark – Denmark66.042 %70.313 %65.313 %66.875 %68.958 %67.500 %
9.12AlinaPage, ArleneUSA300.00 EUR320.0331.5316.5334.0317.01619.0
Protokoll anzeigen
B 15-j.S v.Michellino/M.v.Diamant/DWB/USA42838/B: Page,ArleneAmerika – United States66.666 %69.062 %65.937 %69.583 %66.041 %67.458 %
10.212DarjeelingKöberle, StephanGER300.00 EUR323.0326.0314.0324.0320.51607.5
Protokoll anzeigen
B 12-j.W v.De Niro/M.v.Kennedy/OLD/102VN39/B: Köberle,StephanTSG Breisgau e.V.67.291 %67.916 %65.417 %67.500 %66.771 %66.979 %
11.565Rokoko NEversfield-Koch, ElizabethSUI200.00 EUR322.5327.5305.0322.0329.01606.0
Protokoll anzeigen
DB 13-j.W v.Rubinstern Noir/M.v.Montano/BRDBG/GER43342/B: Eversfield-Koch,ElizabeSchweiz – Switzerland67.188 %68.230 %63.542 %67.084 %68.542 %66.917 %
12.556Rigoletto Royal CHHäcki, CarolineSUI200.00 EUR323.5319.5296.0316.0316.01571.0
Protokoll anzeigen
F 11-j.W /N.B./103VA25/B: Häcki,CarolineSchweiz – Switzerland67.395 %66.562 %61.666 %65.833 %65.833 %65.458 %


 Judges:(E) I.JudetPrize money
(H) K.Wüst
(C) Dr.D.Plewa
(M) A.Hamoen
(B) A.Fransen Iacobaeus