Carl Hester Rides Fine Time in 1st Grand Prix for Win at Vidauban CDI3*
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VIDAUBAN, France, Mar. 1–British Olympic gold medalist Carl Hester rode Fine Time in their first international Grand Prix Friday to win the Vidauban CDI3* Grand Prix to qualify for the Frestyle in the first of two weeks of the Spring Tour. The Grand Prix for the Special was won by Beatric Ferrer-Salat on Delgado with Carl second on Dances With Wolves.
Carl and the 12-year-old Westfalen stallion (Florestan 1 x Wibke x Weinberg) scored 71.638 per cent for the victory in the Grand Prix to qualify for the Freestyle.
Italy’s Valentina Truppa and Chablis were second on 69.170 per cent and Germany’s Jessica Werndl on Unee BB third at 68.936 per cent.
Fine Time was competed at small tour last year by Gemma Appleton of Great Britain.
Spain’s Beatriz Ferrer-Salat and Delgado won the Grand Prix for the Special with 73,191 per cent.
Carl and Dances With Wolves, and 11-year-old Oldenburg gelding (Donnerschwee x Waldfee x Walldorf) who won five of six starts at small tour in 2012 and was competion in a Grand Prix CDI for the first time, placed second on 72.064 per cent while Stephanie Collomb of France on Riverdance 11 was third on 68.617 per cent.
Beatriz and the talented Delgado, a 12-year-old Westfalen gelding (De Niro x Wildrose) have had a roller coaster experience since starting Grand Prix in 2010, with a succession of top finishes punctuated by injuries that have kept them out of the competition arena, including last year;s Olympics in London.
Results: Vidauban Grand Prix for Freestyle