Microchip Required for 1st Time FEI Horse Registration Jan. 1
12 years ago StraightArrow Comments Off on Microchip Required for 1st Time FEI Horse Registration Jan. 1
A microchip will be required for first time International Equestrian Federation (FEI) registration of horses beginning Jan. 1, 2013.
The microchips must be compatible with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 and all microchip information must be entered in the horse passport and reported to the national federation. It applies to initial FEI registration only.
The standard microchip number consists of 15 digits–the first three identify the manufacturer or country code and the remaining numbers are unique. The chips provide radio frequency identification of the specific horse for the life of the animal from date of implant.
The U.S. Equestrian Federation that issued the advisory recommended scanning for existing microchips before a new device is implanted.