Dressage Foundation Offers Up To $75,000 for High Performance Dressage Riders
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LINCOLN, Nebraska, Sept. 27–Up to $75,000 will be awarded by The Dressage Foundation for American high performance dressage riders. The awards are:
–The Anne L. Barlow Ramsay $25,000 Grant to showcase talented American-bred horses ridden by U.S. citizens, by providing funds to train and compete in Europe. The horse and rider applicants will be competing successfully at Prix St. Georges or higher and show potential to move into high performance competition. The successful applicant will demonstrate an ability to be an ambassador for the American-bred horse in Europe. Applications are due Oct. 25.
–Two Carol Lavell Advanced Dressage Prize awards of $25,000 each to provide financial assistance for coaching and training to talented, committed and qualified riders whose plan is to reach and excel at elite international levels. The riders must be U.S. citizens over 21 years of age, show merit and need, be a model of horsemanship and sportsmanship and plan to use the funds for further education of the horse and rider team. Application deadline is Dec. 13.
For more information and applications visit www.dressagefoundation.org or phone: 402-434-8585.