Steak Now on Courtney King’s Rehab Menu

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HelmetCampaignTshirtJeriBryant2010WEST ORANGE, New Jersey, Apr. 23–The latest update on the condition of Courtney King Dye at The Kessler Institute as reported by her husband, Jason and news that SUCCEED is offering on its eBay store a new “Strap One On — Everyone’s Doing It” t-shirt to encourage helmet wearing.

“I told Courtney this morning that I would do an update on her website and she said to tell everyone she says ‘Hello!’

“Courtney’s days are constantly full with extensive therapy sessions, visits from family and close friends and the essential rest needed to recover and heal.

“I have always limited the amount of detail I give in these updates to respect Courtney’s privacy however this morning she said that she wanted you all to know how she was doing so here is a brief rundown:

“Courtney requires a wheelchair to get around but can be transferred to a vehicle for limited vists away from Kessler which she enjoys immensely. When she first arrived she could not assist with the transfer, as she continues the physical therapy and developing muscle strength she is able to carry more and more weight in this process.

“Her right side is weaker than her left with limited movement in her right hand and arm, she works hard on what she and her sister, Greta, call ‘righty’ daily and we see small improvements each week. However, it is ultimately the re-connection between the brain and the body which needs to happen, this takes time and both Courtney and her doctors have limited control over the final result. Throughout this process Courtney retains an incredibly positive attitude and willingness to try anything that will assist her recovery.

“One of the best things that happened for Courtney this week was she passed her final ‘Swallow Test’ giving her the freedom to drink normal liquids rather than the thickened variety which she eloquently describes as ‘Gross.’ She can now also eat normal food and has frequented the local Steakhouse twice already.

“The timeframe for when she will leave Kessler will be based on her progress and her needs, she is looking forward to getting home and her immediate goal is to be able to attend her brother’s wedding in Michigan in August.

“Courtney’s family have been an incredible support group for both her an myself and are playing a huge roll in her recovery process – Thanks guys!”

Meantime, longtime sponsor SUCCEED Digestive Condition Program which has been operating an eBay store as a medical fund is now featuring the t-shirt designed by Jeri Bryant, a single mom and dressage fan based in Southern California.

“I wanted to not only help Courtney, but also raise awareness of how important it is for equestrians to wear helmets anytime they are on a horse,” Bryant said.

The Equestrian Medical Safety Association (EMSA) states that head injuries account for approximately 60 per cent of deaths resulting from equestrian accidents.

The Courtney King-Dye Medical Fund eBay Store ( has generated more than $8,000 in sales since launching in early March. Freedom Health, the makers of SUCCEED and operators of the online store, is aiming to reach at least $10,000 in sales by the end of April.