Blue Hors Don Romantic Danish Warmblood Stallion of Year

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Blue Hors Don Romantic, Danish Warmblood Stallion of the Year
Blue Hors Don Romantic, Danish Warmblood Stallion of the Year. © 2010 Thomas Bach Jensen

HERNING, Denmark, Mar. 15–Blue Hors Don Romantic has been named Danish Warmblood Stallion of the Year for 2010.

The 11-year-old dark chestnut stallion is by Blue Hors Don Schufro/Blue Hors Romancier/Mago xx, bred by Jens Aage Buhl and owned by Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen’s Blue Hors ApS.

“The Stallion of the Year has already had so much influence that it seems as if he has been around forever,” said Poul Graugaard on behalf of the breeding committee. “At many occasions has he placed Danish horse breeding on the world map, and he is the first Dansk Varmblod stallion to have the whole of Europe as his working area.”

Don Romantic, who received a standing ovation from the audience, was Dansk Varmblod Foal of the Year in 1999 and sold at auction for a record price. At age three years, he became champion colt in Herning, winning the performance test with 10s for canter and rideability. The following year he became undisputed licensing champion and decorated with the much-coveted and rarely awarded gold medal. He went on to win the Danish dressage championships as a four-year-old before a severe injury put an end to his career.

Blue Hors Don Romantic has sired 14 licensed sons, and three daughters awarded with gold medal in Dansk Varmblod. His progeny have excelled at foal shows, mare gradings, stallion licensings, young horse championships and auctions all over Europe.

A record number of visitors, 54,250, attended this year’s stallion show Mar. 11-14.

The group of four-year-old stallions was of unusually high standard this year. Among the dressage stallions the battle for the champion title took place between the two phenomenal movers, Fürstenball and L’Espoir.

L’Espoir was proclaimed champion stallion. The very rideable young stallion by Lord Loxley/Warkant received the score 10 for hindquarters, walk and canter. L’Espoir is owned by Priess Horses A/S.

For five years and older dressage stallions, the title went to the impressive stallion Sieger Hit by Sandro Hit/Donnerhall. Ridden by Andreas Helgstrand, Sieger Hit was victorious in a dressage presentation class for young horses in Herning scoring several 10s. Sieger Hit is owned by Aggesensgaard A/S.

Jumping stallions
The Danish stallion station Stutteri Ask ApS, owned by Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen who also owns Blue Hors ApS, had great success in Herning this year. Their five-year-old Belgian bred stallion Favorit Ask by Diamant de Semilly/Darco showed very convincing jumping and took the champion title among the older stallions.
The group of four-year-olds also saw high quality among the jumping stallions. The handsome grey Ci Ci Senjor Ask by Cassini I/Contender was proclaimed champion stallion.