USDF Announces Membership Fee Increases

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LEXINGTON, Kentucky, Mar. 10–The U.S. Dressage Federation has announced increases in membership fees beginning Dec. 1, 2010.

As a result of approval at the annual convention, the USDF Board of Governors approved fees for the 2011 competition year.

* One-year Participating Membership $75, up from $62;

* Youth (under 21) Participating Membership $60, up from $35;

* Five-year Participating Membership $300, up from $250;

* Lifetime Participating Membership  $1500, up from $1,000;

* Business Membership $200, up from $175;

* Horse Identification Number $25, up from $20, and

* Lifetime Horse Registration $95, up from $85.

The USDF, formed in 1973, said this is the first dues increase in  seven years.

Ken Levy, chairman of a committee that evaluated membership and fees, said: “Costs change, unfortunately, they never go backwards.  Things have gone up. We’re just trying to catch up cost-wise.”

The U.S. Equestrian Federation that is America’s national federation of horse sports also administers dressage. The USEF and USDF both charge fees for membership, horse registration and license competitions.