USA’s Laura Graves Billed as “Contender” to Battle World No. 1 Isabell Werth at Aachen, Germany Nations Cup

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Laura Graves and Verdades vs. Isabell Werth and Weihegold OLD. Photos: © 2017 Ken Braddick/

AACHEN, Germany, July 16, 2017–The American Laura Graves has been billed as “The Contender” in the battle with world No. 1 Isabell Werth of Germany in the Nations Cup at the World Equestrian Festival in Aachen, Germany this week.

Laura of Geneva, Florida who turns 30 years old next Saturday a day after Isabell celebrates her 48th birthday, was the subject of an interview conducted for the Aachen organization and published Sunday.

The report, headlined “The Contender–Interview With Laura Graves,” is reproduced here:

Who, if not Laura Graves? The US dressage rider is one of the few, actually perhaps the only rider, who one wouldn’t put it past knocking the dressage superstar Isabell Werth from her throne. And that is exactly the goal the 29-year-old has set herself with her exceptional horse, Verdades. We visited her while training in Belgium and asked her what she thinks about Isabell Werth, what makes the CHIO Aachen the CHIO Aachen and why she had to urgently visit a music shop the first time she competed in Aachen.

Question: You and your horse’s story is extraordinary…
Graves: He was an absolute lucky strike. He came to me as a foal, he was six months old. We only bought him based on a video and now he has made me what I am today. Last year, he carried me to an Olympic bronze medal, to the World Cup Final, we have competed at the world championships together and now I am training for the world championships next year.

Question: Your own story is also different to that of most of the top riders…
Graves: It is easy if you are born into a family, whose life already revolves around horses. That is not so in my case and yet horses have always been part of me ever since I was born. They are in my soul. Nobody else in my family rides competitively and yet I already knew from a young age that I need horses around me.

Laura Graves and Verdades in the Olympic Grand Prix Freestyle. © 2016 Ken Braddick/

Question: Where do you see your sporting career going? The next world championships are in your home country.
Graves: It is fantastic that we are staging the world championships next year. It is a great honor for us to host these championships in North America. The fans will be behind us, the stadiums will be sold-out. Any opportunity to represent my country is unique. I have succeeded in making it onto the team here in Aachen, now I just hope I will also be nominated for the world championships team next year.

Question: You have come to Aachen as the number four in the world ranking list. What are your expectations? The U.S . chef d’equipe, Robert Dover, said: “Laura really wants to win.”
Graves: (laughing) I always want to win, whether that happens is a different matter altogether. We train hard and have come to Aachen in top form. Anything less would be unacceptable for Aachen. And, of course, we would love to take the victory. I know they are going to be tough competitions, but that is precisely what makes us perform better.

Question: Who do you see as your biggest rival?
Graves: Without a doubt: Isabell, she is number one in the world ranking list. It is a shame that the two other German riders who rank second and third (editor’s note: Kristina Bröring-Sprehe on Desperados and Dorothee Schneider on Showtime), can’t compete. That is quite disappointing for me because I would like to compete against the best opponents at the best show. We’ll have to wait and see what the actual outcome is. Catherine Dufour also put in a super performance at the Danish Championships. One thing is for sure: It is going to be an exciting show for the spectators.

Question: How do you rate Isabell Werth’s performances in comparison to the last years
Graves: No comparison can be made there. She hasn’t just got one horse she is successful with. Because of the way she rides she succeeds in schooling one horse after another up to top level sport. She demonstrates incredible precision in the dressage arena–by the way I try to copy this in my daily training.

Question: What could perhaps make the difference between you and the other riders?
Graves: Verdades and I have a special connection. We have been together since we were children. He will never say “no,” if I ask him to do something. Not every horse is like that, he is incredibly unselfish. If it comes to the crunch, that could ultimately make the difference.

Question: How do you rate the U.S. team’s chances?
Graves: We have a very strong team this year. I am in the, meantime, more or less the old hand in our young team. We have two new horses competing this year, they are all very strong and are capable of scoring over 75 percent. But at the end of the day we have to actually perform well on the day.

Question: You are here in Aachen at the moment, you prepared for the show in Belgium. What do you miss most here in Europe?
Graves: I miss my dogs–and my boyfriend. It is always hard being away from the family, from the children–or in my case the dogs and the horses (laughs). The fantastic thing about Europe though is the fact that horses are part of life here. I am here with my trainer, Debbie McDonald, and I am very focused on improving my performance, that is what it is all about.

Question: You already know the CHIO Aachen–how did you find the atmosphere?
Graves: I have only ridden in Aachen once, that was in 2014, my first Grand Prix year. It was so motivating, the best riders in the world compete at the best show in the world here. It is very exciting to have been invited to compete again.

Question: Why is it competing at the CHIO Aachen so exciting?
Graves: The history of the show is incredible, it is not comparable with any other show in the world. Everything is world-class. That starts with the stables and ends with the perfect way one looks after us riders. Not to mention the spectators! They are so knowledgeable and know what our sport is all about. Dressage is a complex discipline. It is not like jumping where you know: The pole fell so the rider picks up faults. One can see how much expertise the spectators have from how well they use the “Judging App” that the CHIO organizers offer. It is nice to see how our sport has established itself here. That really is a great feeling!

Laura Graves enjoying her first World Equestrian Festival CHIO at Aachen in 2014. © Ken Braddick/

Question: And the music was missing when you competed for the first time in Aachen…
Graves: Oh yes! I remember that all too well! I was actually supposed to be preparing for my competition, but everything was so impressive, I just kept looking to the left and to the right. For example, Charlotte Dujardin was also competing. After a while my trainer said: Right, Laura, a little more concentration, please! But I was so haywire, I could hardly ride. Somehow or other I managed to qualify for the freestyle, but I hadn’t prepared anything, didn’t have any music either. So we drove into the city and looked for music in a small shop and had it burned onto a CD on the spot.