Dressage at Devon to Focus on Improving Show Grounds & Education

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New footing being installed at Devon Horse Show's Dixon Oval, the main competition arena. The same footing will be installed in the warmup areas.

DEVON, Pennsylvania, Jan. 2–Dressage at Devon, for years one of the top international competitions in North America, will focus on improving the show grounds and education after the charity that received funding from the show changed its fundraising efforts.

The Thorncroft Equestrian Center that operates a therapeutic riding center in nearby Malvern decided to make the change in fund raising after being the beneficiary of the annual dressage competition for 21 years.

The change enables Dressage at Devon to focus on the capital campaign allocating proceeds from the show to continued improvements at the show grounds and to focus on dressage education.

“It is a great time for Dressage at Devon to give even more back to the sport,” said Lori Kaminski, president of the board of directors. “Dressage at Devon has decided to take this opportunity to focus on our mission statement of producing a world class dressage and dressage sport horse breeding show, promoting the sport of dressage, and supporting dressage education.”

A campaign in conjunction with the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair Foundation that operates a major jumper and hunter competition at the venue has been launched to raise funds to excavate and rebuild the schooling arena using the same high quality footing that has been installed in the competition arenas. The footing is identical to that installed at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center in Florida and many other show and individual arenas across the United States.

The improvement will include drainage and improve safety for horses, riders and handlers.

Educational sessions for dressage judges and dressage sport horse judges are in the planning stages for 2012 as well as other events.

Dressage at Devon, a community on Main Line Philadelphia, draws thousands of spectators each year, especially to the Saturday night World Cup Freestyle competition. In an effort to maintain its stature on the competition schedule, both competition arenas were upgraded in recent years.